ASI Connections

ASI Connections is the official newsletter for Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries. It delivers up-to-date member and project news and inspiration, as well as ASI-related announcements. Subscribe today to keep in touch with what’s happening at ASI.

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The Uncomplicated Truth about Practical Witnessing

When I was approximately seven years old, my mom would keep our refrigerator stocked with an assortment of sodas. Whenever my brothers and I heard the garbage truck come rumbling down our road, we would grab a few cans and run to our driveway to share them with the men holding onto the back of the garbage truck. Read more

Surviving the Whirlwind

My mouth hung agape as I drove up the road to my job in Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, on the morning of April 13, 2020—not long after the first state lockdown. Trees were strewn about as if giants had pulled them up and tossed them aside like weeds in a garden. I had passed several destroyed buildings on my drive that morning… Read more

452 Boxes of Hope

It was a familiar scene in the parking lot of the Paradise Seventh-day Adventist Church. Dozens of people in hard hats. The constant bang of hammers. Forklifts cruising back and forth with stacks of trusses. Whirring generators. Screaming saws. The occasional human voice shouting orders across the way. Read more

New Year, New Theme

How many Americans will make a New Year’s resolution? An estimated 188.9 million adult Americans (74.02% of the population) say they’re determined to learn something new, make a lifestyle change or set a personal goal in an effort to better themselves in 2021, a 15.17% increase from the previous year. Read more

Quentina and A Christmas Carol

This time of year, when I’m with my students in the Junior Sabbath School class I teach at Holbrook Indian School (HIS), I like to ask the question, “What do you think of when you hear the name Ebenezer Scrooge?” If they know who he is, they often say, “Humbug!” “He hates Christmas,” “He is a stingy old miser!” Read more

Personal Testimony: A Greater Significance

I was never physically abused, but the psychological damage from my father’s alcoholism was deep and painful. Peace and security were feelings that belonged to others, but not me. What I do remember, vividly, is the day I decided to shut down my feelings. It didn’t take a lot of effort because I had already started ignoring them… Read more