ASI Connections

ASI Connections is the official newsletter for Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries. It delivers up-to-date member and project news and inspiration, as well as ASI-related announcements. Subscribe today to keep in touch with what’s happening at ASI.

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Ultimate Workout Answers Prayers in the Navajo Nation

When Nancy Crosby, the Native Ministries Coordinator for the Nevada Utah Conference, walked onto the Kayenta Seventh-day Adventist Church property on a sunny day in July, it was like being jolted awake from a long sleep. For the past 14 months… Read more

Rear-Ended by a Semi

It had been a great ASI International Convention in Orlando, FL. My son, husband, and I finished taking down our booth and carried everything back to our hotel room. While my husband and I were supposed to fly back to Omaha the next morning, I realized there was no way… Read more

Fall Special

A huge “thank you” to ASI member Kristina’s Kitchen for sharing two favorite fall recipes! “Spice up” your fall with baked apples and cashew rice cream! You can watch a live cooking demonstration on Kristina’s Facebook page here. Read more

Trailblazers – ASI Documentary

Trailblazers tells the story of ASI. Today known for innovation and mission, ASI has changed lives around the world. From It’s humble beginnings at Madison College to the worldwide network of professionals and ministries today, it’s a story of God’s hand guiding and leading lay people to spread the message far and wide. Learn the story and be inspired by real life examples today of people who are sharing Christ in the marketplace. Read more

Saved to Serve God

Every ministry looks for energetic, passionate people who are on fire for the Lord and want to use their talents to save the lost. Our ministry, HeReturns, is no exception. When the Lord brings us these types of people, we do everything in our power to make them an integral part of our ministry. Read more

A Drive by Celebration

The evening of May 12, 2021, was an exciting evening for two members of our Loma Linda community, Paul Damazo and his wife, Jay. Recognizing their tremendous contribution of service and leadership to the nation and their local community, and knowing that Paul’s 95th birthday was on May 12… Read more