ASI Connections

ASI Connections is the official newsletter for Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries. It delivers up-to-date member and project news and inspiration, as well as ASI-related announcements. Subscribe today to keep in touch with what’s happening at ASI.

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Buried under the covers, heart racing, I held my breath as I turned another page of my Nancy Drew novel. Will the stalker attack her? Will she be discovered? Oh no! She’s just been whacked on the head by the bad guy. My nine-year-old heart froze; will she survive?

Books were my world, but not any old books. Read more

The Uncomplicated Truth about Practical Witnessing

When I was approximately seven years old, my mom would keep our refrigerator stocked with an assortment of sodas. Whenever my brothers and I heard the garbage truck come rumbling down our road, we would grab a few cans and run to our driveway to share them with the men holding onto the back of the garbage truck. Read more

Business Unusual

It’s almost that time of the year! Registration for ASI’s 2018 convention, Business Unusual, opens March 1!

Save the dates for August 1-4, and join us as we seek to serve our incredible God in an unusual way. Expand your network, exchange ideas, and embrace the call to hasten the second coming of Christ. Get involved in unusual service, unusual growth, and unusual business. Early Bird Registration ends May 15. On-site rates go into effect on July 25. Register March 1! Read more