ASI Connections

ASI Connections is the official newsletter for Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries. It delivers up-to-date member and project news and inspiration, as well as ASI-related announcements. Subscribe today to keep in touch with what’s happening at ASI.

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The Flying Buffalo

My name is Charles Banji and I’m from Zambia, a country located in Southern Africa. I’m a preacher and evangelist. I also build schools, clinics, and churches around Zambia. A few years ago, I travelled to South Africa to buy equipment for a crusade to be conducted in a town called Maamba. On our way to South Africa, our vehicle developed an engine problem… Read more

Blessing Brings Blessings

The more you bless, the more you’re blessed! I believe this is a basic principle of God’s Word and has been my Adventist experience for the past 35 years in San Antonio, Texas. For about five years before that, I must confess, I had been living a morally degrading, worldly lifestyle; I was living the “vida loca.” But God took pity on me and changed the direction of my life…. Read more

Sharing Christ in an Appalachian Marketplace

“All my life I wanted to do ministry in the United States,” says Kristina McFeeters while cleaning up after a day’s work in her vegetarian restaurant on the main street of Whitley City, KY. “I remember praying that God would show me a place where I could share Jesus’ love. When my husband and I got engaged, he lived in Appalachia, and that’s how I found Eastern Kentucky.”… Read more

A Stroke of Healing

Everyday emergencies and stresses creep into our lives uninvited and affect us in unnoticed ways. Last year in the Camp Fire, the loss of our home and the chaos that lasted for months conspired against my husband’s health. At the end of March, 2019, Carl had a massive stroke affecting his left side. The medical facility to which we were sent saved his life. After more than three weeks, we were sent home with over 30 pages… Read more

From Convict to Colporteur

“I believe this book saved my life,” says Joshua Holly enthusiastically, holding up an ASI edition of Patriarchs and Prophets. Holly first found the book propping up a TV in his prison cell. “My cellmate handed it to me and said, ‘I think you’ll like this.’” Holly had been raised in a home that considered itself “Christian,” but where drug use was a family affair, much like playing games or watching TV might be for another family. Read more

How to Live and not Die: Is it really that simple?

I was only six years old when my grandfather had a massive heart attack and was sent home to die. Just before he left the hospital, his doctor told him there were some things he couldn’t eat anymore, including meat, milk, eggs, and white bread. This was no small order for my grandfather; he raised chickens and would normally eat six eggs in one sitting. If just one egg per day is too much for a person’s body to process… Read more