ASI Connections

ASI Connections is the official newsletter for Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries. It delivers up-to-date member and project news and inspiration, as well as ASI-related announcements. Subscribe today to keep in touch with what’s happening at ASI.

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Planting Seeds in Our Neighborhood

AMEN members Drs. Andi & Bob Hunsaker decided to turn the Coronavirus scare into an opportunity to witness to their neighbors. Without missing a beat, they took materials AMEN was working on (before they were even designed and ready!) and created a handout with a personal message and distributed them to their neighbors. Read more

Don’t Get Convicted

When he walked into his first Revelation of Hope seminar in the summer of 2013, Jon Baker told himself, “Don’t get convicted.”

Up until that point, Jon and his wife Karissa weren’t the least bit interested in God. They would much rather be throwing back a few cold ones with friends over a football game than sitting silent and stiff in a wooden church pew. Read more

My Guardian Angel

At Golden Hills Church we were challenged to meditate on two verses, Isaiah 40:28-31 and Isaiah 41:13. The first was already on my radar but Isaiah 41:13 was something new for me to consider. It says, “I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don’t be afraid. I am here to help you” (CEV). Read more

Tornados and Divine Appointments

On March 3, 2019, tornadoes swept through Smith Station and Beauregard, AL, cities close to Uchee Pines Institute in Seale, AL. As we volunteered to help those in distress, God opened the door for many divine appointments and spiritual conversations.
On the first day, a small group of us, including my nine-year-old daughter, went to a Baptist church… Read more

Quentina and A Christmas Carol

This time of year, when I’m with my students in the Junior Sabbath School class I teach at Holbrook Indian School (HIS), I like to ask the question, “What do you think of when you hear the name Ebenezer Scrooge?” If they know who he is, they often say, “Humbug!” “He hates Christmas,” “He is a stingy old miser!” They never seem to remember the end of the story when Scrooge is a changed man—born again, if you will. Read more

A Mexican Thanksgiving

When we think of Thanksgiving break, many of us imagine sleeping in late, overeating on pumpkin pie and stuffing, watching Netflix, and getting a head start on our holiday shopping. However, that was not the case for those of us that had the privilege to serve on a Build and Restore International mission trip to Dzidzantún, Mexico last November. Read more