2024 Speakers

Shawn Boonstra Read Bio

Sabbath, Worship Service10:45 a.m.

Investing in Eternity – Called, Consecrated, and Committed

Shawn will be turning to the pages of the Pentateuch to help the audience understand one of the key driving forces in current developments. Investing in Eternity – Called, Consecrated, and Committed

Nancy Crosby Read Bio

Thursday, Seminar3:30 p.m.

Cooking and Health: Connections for Eternity

Have you struggled to connect your health ministries to the gospel? Come and learn how to effectively plan and implement cooking classes that will bridge the connection between health and the Bible truths.

Narlon Edwards Read Bio

Thursday, Seminar10:45 a.m.

Medical Missionary Work & The Three Angels Messages

This presentation demonstrates how to blend Medical Missionary Work with The Three Angel’s Messages, mirroring Christ’s method. Our focus on our local community led to sustainable work and a new church plant. Our presentation also has a prophetic lens revealing how this type of evangelism can protect us during the early stages of the Sunday law.

Mark Finley Read Bio

Thursday, Young Professionals3:30 pm

End-time Integrity

God is preparing a people whose word can be trusted and who have the courage to graciously share the message of truth with the world. The apostle Paul encourages us to “speak the truth in love” and John the Revelator pictures a last-day people in whose mouth there is “no deceit.” Our speech reveals our character. The earth will be filled with the “glory of God” by a people who are using the talent of speech to bring glory to Him. During our seminar we will explore five life-changing principles that will enable you to be an effective Christ-centered communicator in these last days.

Shanniel Fisher Read Bio

Friday, Young Professionals10:45 a.m.

Unlocking Your True Potential

In this seminar we will be looking at 7 keys to truly unlock and unleash the hidden talents that God has given us in preparation for eternity. We will focus especially on God’s amazing power to multiply our talents and transform lives in preparation for eternity. You will be challenged to dig deeper and discover God’s will, call and purpose for your life and how He wants to use you more effectively in light of the eternal view.

Debbie McKee-Fowler Read Bio

Friday, Seminar10:45 a.m.

Learning to Walk the Talk – Gratefully Giving

How do we reconcile what the Lord has blessed us with monetarily, with where the money should go to Glorify God and help others. It is a journey of learning from our mistakes, watching those who have gone before us and learning from their Christ like gifting. Committed to pay tithe first and called to do much more.

Calvin Kim Read Bio

Thursday, Seminar3:30 p.m.

Winsome Witness or Awkward Adventist?

Have you ever experienced the joy of leading someone to Jesus?  If not, you’re not alone! A significant portion of Seventh-day Adventists have never given a one-on-one Bible study before.  Come and learn how to overcome your fears, become a winsome witness, and discover how simple it is to lead a compelling Bible study!


Ramona Llull Read Bio

Friday, Seminar10:45 a.m.

Meeting Muslims in the Marketplace: How to Start Spiritually Fruitful Friendships for Christ

Do you want to witness to Muslims in the American ‘marketplace’ but don’t know how to start? In this seminar, you’ll learn how to winsomely start spiritual conversations, how to logically sequence doctrinal topics for the Islamic mind, and how to avoid common pitfalls of friendship evangelism. This seminar will help you feel confident about approaching Muslims for Christ.

Harold Lance Read Bio

Thursday, Morning Session9:00 a.m.

From Courtroom Trial Lawyer to Full Time Volunteer Ministry Leader

For thirty two years I served the injured and families of deceased clients through the State and Federal Court system to redress victims of air crashes, product failures and accidents by investigating, preparing for trial, and conducting one hundred forty six jury trials from among hundreds of cases. During the same time I served the Adventist Church as Sabbath School Teacher, Elder, Hospital Board Member, Conference, Union, North American Division and General Conference Executive Committee, Member of the Board of Loma Linda Medical Center and Pacific Press Publishing Association and President of ASI, and numerous other lay ministries, and inducted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. In May 1989 we left the security of the law practice and became for nine years the full time volunteer President of Outpost Centers International… a leap of Faith and Responsibility. God is Good and Faithful!

Stephen Lee Read Bio

Thursday, Young Professionals10:45 a.m.

You don’t need more time

Do you often find yourself lacking the time to do everything you want? When asked about your week, is your go-to response “busy”? In this discussion, we will explore how to align our time with God’s plan to help us complete our tasks without feeling overwhelmed, anxious or stressed.

Henry & Norma Linares Read Bio

Thursday, Seminar10:45 a.m.

Connecting to the world through the health message

Connecting to the community through healthy food.  Understanding that the health message is the right hand of the gospel

Utilizing our world experience to break down barriers and bring people closer to Christ.  God prepares you for the purpose He has in mind for you

Recognizing when God is calling you to a higher purpose.  It is different for everyone

Denzil Donna McNeilus & Tyler Coleman Read Bio

Thursday, Seminar10:45 a.m.

Our Best Year Yet Sharing Jesus: Here is What We Learned

In 2023 the Dodge Center SDA Church came together and committed to sharing Jesus in their community. Denzil, Donna McNeilus and Tyler Coleman, shared what worked, what the church family learned and what they plan to do next.

Raluca McRoberts Read Bio

Friday, Seminar10:45 a.m.

The Power of Hospitality

How can we extend God’s love  in tangible ways to the people He has placed in our path? And how can we do it without feeling overburdened and exhausted? This  workshop will explore practical tools you can use today to connect with neighbors, friends and even strangers.

Scott Nelson MD Read Bio

Sabbath, Evening Vespers7:00 p.m.

Stewards of the Master’s Gold

God gives us each talents, as the master gave his servants in Matthew 25. It is our responsibility to invest these talents and our purpose to grow His kingdom. This often requires us to go against societal norms, make sacrifices, and manage risk. In the process we can experience peace and joy as we courageously and boldly invest in eternity.

Adam Ramdin Read Bio

Friday, Morning Session9:00 a.m.

Merchant Missionaries

ASI has had a unique and trailblazing role in the past and today it holds an important position in the proclamation of the gospel to the world. What is this role and what place does ASI have and where does it fit in the churches strategic outlook, both historically and also today?

Barbara Taylor Read Bio

Thursday, Seminar3:30 p.m.

Effectively train laypeople to share the 3 Angels Messages

Find out ways to train the lay members to not only share the Gospel, but how to retain the newly baptized members to become more grounded and involved in ministry. 99.1% of the entire world population of Seventh-day Adventists are laymen and women, leaving .9% who are Pastors. Churches must train their lay members to help finish the work.

David Trim Read Bio

Friday, Evening Session6:30 p.m.

The Cost of Saying “I Will Go”: Missionaries and the Creation of a Worldwide Church

This presentation surveys a series of stories of missionaries who made the ultimate sacrifice for the cause of God’s mission––giving their lives. But despite the chances in the early days of the Church that mission would be a one-way trip, there were always more Seventh-day Adventists willing to say “I will go”.

Westney White Read Bio

Sabbath, Sabbath School9:00 a.m.

Believe the Gospel

The time is now; there must be no delay in making the appropriate investment in God’s kingdom, but this investment is predicated on us allowing God to lead us to a change of thinking (repentance) and a belief in the gospel that we may have yet to experience.

Ted N. C. Wilson Read Bio

Wednesday, Keynote Session7:00 p.m.

Hold Fast What You Have

God keeps us from the hour of trial to test the inhabitants of the whole world. He is coming soon. Hold on so no one will take your crown. He will write the name of God, Jerusalem, my new name. Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Rev 3:10-13