ASI Connections

ASI Connections is the official newsletter for Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries. It delivers up-to-date member and project news and inspiration, as well as ASI-related announcements. Subscribe today to keep in touch with what’s happening at ASI.

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ASI Youth for Jesus in Kansas City, Missouri

Attention ASI youth aged 15-19! Join God’s army in Kansas City, Missouri from July 6 to August 5 for an exciting and innovative youth-led evangelistic program. If you feel unprepared for evangelism, don’t worry. ASI Youth for Jesus has got you covered… Read more

Pre-ASI Outreach Project Report

On July 31 – August 3, Build and Restore International partnered with SALT Outreach to share Christ’s love by serving the unsheltered in downtown Orlando, Florida. SALT provides shower facilities, laundry facilities, haircuts, mail services, hygiene items, and counseling for those living on the streets. Build and Restore along with Volunteers was able to help fix up the building SALT is working out of. Read more

ASI Special Offering Projects

Every year, the ASI Missions Inc. Board selects a number of projects to receive grants from the offering gathered at the annual ASI International Convention. This year, ASI Missions Inc. chose 29 projects to receive grants. Combined, the projects represent a significant worldwide impact. Read more

Unexpected Problems with Renovations. Miracles abound!

When a road block was put in the way of the renovation project at Castle Valley Academy.  God opened a new path for the 40+ volunteers to continue the project.  Hear Craig Cleveland tell the miracle story on Castle Valley Academy’s YouTube channel. Read more

Every Breath Proves There is a God

The metal doors slid open and I stepped aside as a nurse and security officer rolled the gurney off the elevator. On it lay a lifeless form, encapsulated in a white body bag. The only identifying mark was the small yellow tag with the deceased’s name on it. Read more

Lessons Learned & Taught

I was a Literature Evangelist for many years, and the Lord blessed me with many beautiful experiences. One Sabbath morning, my wife and I were on our way to church. We were discussing how to be more active in outreach for the Kingdom. Read more