Dear Ministry Leader,

We extend a warm welcome to you and your ministry. We are honored to have your project as part of our community, and we look forward to supporting your impactful work.

Effective communication is crucial to keeping our donors informed and engaged with the incredible projects that ASI funds, including yours. To facilitate this, we have outlined the following communication guidelines for project updates, which we kindly request that your ministry adhere to during the year following funding.

ONE NEWS/FEATURE ARTICLE (1,000 to 2,000 words):

We request at least one engaging news or feature article highlighting your project and how ASI funding has contributed to its success. This article is an excellent opportunity to share your vision and achievements as well as the positive impact your project is having on your community. Please include high-resolution photos with captions to enhance the visual appeal.

THREE TO FOUR SOCIAL MEDIA UPDATES (100 to 250 words each):

Throughout the year, we encourage you to provide short and engaging social media updates that we can post in ASI social media channels. These updates, accompanied by captivating photos, should provide focused insights into the ongoing developments and milestones achieved by your ministry.

ONE VIDEO SEGMENT (2 to 4 minutes):

A short video is a powerful medium to convey your message. We request at least one video that showcases your project’s journey, its impact, and how ASI funding has played a pivotal role. This video will be shared across our social media channels, providing a dynamic and personal connection with our donors—your supporters.

Adhering to these guidelines and providing these submissions is not only required for continued funding consideration, but also a valuable opportunity for free promotion and marketing of your ministry. Sharing news keeps our donors connected with your work between conventions, fostering a deeper understanding of the blessings and needs your ministry is experiencing.

We appreciate your commitment to transparency and engagement with our supportive ASI family. We may reach out to you occasionally with reminders requesting content. If you have any questions or if there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know!

Thank you for being an integral part of ASI Ministries, Inc. We are excited about the positive impact we can create together.


Most cell phones take photos with ample resolution for printing in magazines and featuring in digital channels. However, some email applications significantly reduce attached image size. When attaching photos to send by email, please choose “original size” or “largest” option. It may be necessary to send multiple high-resolution images individually.

Candid photos of people in action are preferred to people posing in a lineup. Try to keep the background of images interesting but uncluttered and simple. Standing in front of a blank wall isn’t ideal. Allowing a bit of distance between the subjects and background is the best solution.

Please include captions with the names and titles of the individuals shown, as well as any other relevant identifying details. Ensure that names and locations are spelled correctly.

Sample Photos

Questions? Contact our Communications Director