It all started when Janet Dennis, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, read the February 2013 issue of 3ABN World magazine, where we first told people about an upcoming filing window for new radio station construction permits being offered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). She had recently retired from medical administration and knew nothing about radio, but in May she brought the idea to the Murfreesboro Seventh-day Adventist Church board. They unanimously voted to explore the idea and asked her to lead the project, so Janet stepped out in faith, knowing this would be an adventure with God. “I learned humility and trust in God through this project,” she says. “I also learned to pay attention as I saw God leading every inch of the way.”
Interested church members formed the Remnant Broadcasting Corporation, applied in November 2013, and were awarded their construction permit in January 2015. In August, they got the written permission from the Conference office to allow the radio station to be located in the church. They presented that to the county zoning commission, which gave them a conditional permit, contingent on clearing several more hurdles they presented.
Jumping Through Hoops
In September 2015, the zoning commission requested a third party evaluation of all their building plans, and in December, Janet found a civil engineer to draw plans to meet the zoning requirements. The clock was ticking, and their construction permit would expire July 7, 2016. Then, early in March 2016, a friend asked Janet to go on a trip. (Yes, this is important to know!) When Janet heard the date, she knew the timing might not be good, but she had to trust in the Lord. A few days later, the zoning commission approved their building plans, but she was told that the electric and water departments would have to approve the plans at their next meeting.
On the day Janet was supposed to leave, she felt impressed to take everything directly to those departments, so she
started out at 9:30 a.m.
First stop, electric department. They approved the permit right away. The lady at the water department took the plans and told Janet she’d see what she could do, but feeling impressed to stay in the area, Janet went to buy gas. When she left the station, the lady called to tell her the plans had been approved.
Next, Janet took everything back to the zoning office, where she was told she needed seven copies of the site plan, and that she needed to file an application for the zoning director to review. She drove to the engineer’s office for her seven copies, then back to the zoning office, where she discovered that the director just happened to be. He approved the plans and sent her to the building department for a building permit, which she got.
I don’t know about you, but I think this woman is tenacious when she’s on a mission for the Lord! It seems like it would have taken someone at least a whole day to jump through all those hoops. But no… all these events were accomplished in one hour and 40 minutes! When she got home, her friend called and said they needed to leave right away, so Janet was able to go away for three weeks without having to worry about the permits. Praise the Lord!
On the Air!
In April, they installed the tower, but still had to buy the radio equipment and install it. The two men in charge of that were called away, so they filed for an extension. Another man, Carl Peterson, who lived nearby, came over and put the station together. They were able to get WRHW-LP 93.5 FM—We’re Revealing His Word—on the air August 1! Everyone is excited and ready for visitors. Amen!