• Heritage Academy 2017 Graduation

    Ellen White connects the work of Adventist Education with the Three Angels’ Messages in the statement: “The third angel is represented as flying in the midst of the heavens, showing that the message is to go ...

  • Hidden Fruit

    Rebecca's Story "Hammad has really been pressuring me to return to Islam" Rebecca lowered her voice and looked around. "But I could never go back! I have been following Jesus for 20 years! And I'm not ...

  • International Caring Hands

    International Caring Hands has started providing small portable medical/dental evangelism clinics in local Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Oregon and California. Our first medical evangelism outreach provided services to Veterans without Dental Coverage at the Fall Creek ...

  • Testimony of a Neighborhood Bible study

    “Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will ...

  • Not in a Nursery

    "No. A nursery is no place for them," he said as we stood on the African rain forest gazing up at a giant mahogany tree. The Cameroon Minister for Forests continued, "These beautiful trees are almost ...

  • ASI Project Update Report – ShareHim

    This year began as a sad one for ShareHim because we lost our founder and our first visionary, Elder Robert Folkenberg, Sr. in December. His guidance up until the very end of his life has proved ...

  • Milk and Answered Prayer

    "Teacher, my sister is about to give her newborn baby girl away because she is not able to nurse. Can you help us?" Timothy asked me in desperation. Timothy and his sister live with their impoverished ...

  • Harvest of Labor

    It was very hot on the Sabbath afternoon as Berny Leonardo stood with the family and friends of the baptismal candidates on the bank of the Machaquilla River in NE Guatemala. The candidates were very happy ...

  • The Murfreesboro Miracle

    It all started when Janet Dennis, in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, read the February 2013 issue of 3ABN World magazine, where we first told people about an upcoming filing window for new radio station construction permits being offered ...

  • Riverside Farm Institute

    Riverside Farm Institute was founded in the 1970s and has operated for many years as a lifestyle center, school, medical clinic, and working farm. Riverside has provided care to some of Zambia’s most influential leaders.  Jabel Busl, ...

Sharing Christ in the marketplace is really just sharing Christ wherever you are. It's in your work, in your business, as you interact with people in the community, it's wherever you go.

Pat Humphrey

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