Pre-ASI Outreach
Project Report
On July 31 – August 3, Build and Restore International partnered with SALT Outreach to share Christ’s love by serving the unsheltered in downtown Orlando, FL. SALT Outreach Ministry operates out of a Christian Service Center in downtown Orlando, FL. SALT provides shower facilities, laundry facilities, haircuts, mail services, hygiene items, and counseling for those living on the streets. Build and Restore along with Volunteers was able to help fix up the building SALT is working out of.
Arriving in Orlando on July 31, the mission team hit the ground running. The first day of the trip began with orientation at the Christian Service Center where we would be serving. The next day work began. The Build and Restore team along with volunteers installed sheetrock and worked on mudding/taping the newly completed wall. Volunteers also helped with serving the needs of the unsheltered community. They helped assemble and distribute pre-packaged care kits for those who were in need.
The local maintenance man, who had taken care of the building for over 12 years, built a friendship with the team. The building needed much more repair than one man could accomplish, and it was a joy to support his efforts and help restore the building he had cared for. We were inspired by his dedication and commitment to serve the needs of the unsheltered.
Psalms 34:7 paints a picture of the angel of the Lord encamped around those who fear Him. The team worked on installing a new fence at the Christian Service Center. This was a reminder that sometimes a fence is set around us to protect and other times it is to prevent something from coming in. The fence Build and Restore installed was able to accomplish both. The fence would serve as a visual enhancement to the facility while protecting the front of the building, and at the same time keeping the grass from being trampled.
Collaborating with SALT Outreach was a great experience. Our team of volunteers was blessed to serve together and give back to the community in Orlando. Thank you ASI for making this project possible. We look forward to serving together again!
Did you know?
Did you know it has been 162 years since our church was officially given the name Seventh-Day Adventist. The name was decided on in a small church in Battle Creek, Michigan in the year 1860. At first many of the leaders who made the decision preferred the name “Church of God” including Ellen White.

Thought question
What are some parts of your daily routine that both help your wellbeing and draw you closer to God?