Hope Through Prophecy – An ASI Partner in Ministry
By Dustin Pestlin
Have you ever wondered how effective YouTube evangelism can be? We here at Hope Through Prophecy have seen God blessing miraculously through our content. We wanted to share with you a recent testimony of God using our ministry to win souls for His kingdom. This is a testimony from one of our channel’s subscribers, Borko. He writes:
“Dear Dustin. My name is Borko and I am from Croatia. During the Covid pandemic, I found your videos on YouTube and they brought me to Jesus. I was an atheist for my entire life and I never believed there was anything that could prove the existence of God. Still, because of you, brother Dustin, and God’s mercy, my eyes have been opened and now I see evidence of Jesus everywhere I go.
I watched the 19-episode presentation on your channel and the series had such a huge impact on me that I have decided to manually translate them into my own language so I can share them with my family and friends. I was able to translate all 19 episodes and add them to my YouTube channel. I am happy the videos are available for people who don’t speak English.
I’ve been working on a cruise ship for 12 years. After the pandemic when my company returned to service, I decided to do Bible studies on the ship and start presenting the truth I had learned to crew members. Now, after long hours of work, I am excited to go to a small room on the ship and invite others to join me in giving glory to God and worshiping Him. Playing your videos to other workers who are eager to accept Jesus and follow His teachings is a highlight of my busy days on the ship. I have been doing these Bible studies for eight months, and your videos have begun changing people’s lives.
This month, I will be leaving the ship for a three-month stay back home. During that time, I will be preparing presentations to share the Word of God in my own seminars. I’m praying and asking God to guide me and help me reach all the crew members on the ship and He has answered by blessing me with materials for Bible study.
Also, I prayed to get baptized and miraculously a pastor from the SDA church came as a guest for a cruise. The pastor said he never planned to go on a cruise but friends invited him and his ticket was a gift from them. And because of that, he got the opportunity to meet me out of 4000 guests and offered to baptize me. I accepted and on January 6 I was baptized.
My life has changed since then and my full commitment is to God. I am asking God for guidance and wisdom as I continue evangelism. May God continue to bless you.”
Isn’t this powerful? It thrills our hearts to hear how God is able to use us to help win His precious children to the Kingdom! Please keep Borko and those he is ministering to in your prayers! May we all be about our Father’s business as we see the signs all around us that He is coming soon.
Fact of the Month
According to a 2019 report by the Adventist Record, there are no Adventists in countries such as Comoros, Falkland Islands, and Monaco and according to astr Brazil is the country with the most Adventist presence.

Thought question
Most people say they believe in God. What does believing in God mean to you?