By Grant Agadjanian
A Book, a Church, and a Wandering Heart
While many churches were closed during the pandemic, a group of members from one of our Seventh-day Adventist churches in Oregon were gathering to study a Creative Media Ministries book: Overcoming Through Jesus. As the Holy Spirit moved the readers, they began to put the principles they were learning into practice, and a genuine revival took place. When their church reopened, they shared the revival and their testimonies with their church family.
One of the members of the group had a son who had walked away from God and the church several years prior. He had been on drugs for 13 years and was living in California. He happened to be visiting his parents in Oregon that weekend and attended church with them, only to hear his dad’s testimony as well as the testimonies of others who had read Overcoming Through Jesus. When the family returned home, the son picked up the book and began reading it himself. He couldn’t put it down. He read the entire book. Before returning to California, he purchased 25 more copies to take with him!
The Holy Spirit was already working on his heart. On his drive to California, he stopped by every homeless person he saw and gave them food and new socks. Upon his arrival in California, he went to every friend he had used drugs with, and gave them a copy. Sad to say, many of them had also grown up in Adventist homes and had left the church. A few months later, this young man called me to share that he is off drugs and wants to get involved in ministry.
The beautiful gospel message which is presented with so much simplicity and clarity in Overcoming Through Jesus by Pastor Bill Liversidge, renews hope in those who have given up on Jesus, and brings revival to individuals and churches. It is in print in many languages around the world and it is distributed by the Pacific Press through all of our ABC stores in the North American Division. You may also find it on our website at: Please pray for our ministry and the precious souls that read this book.
By Build and Restore International
West Sacramento SDA Church, CA Mission Trip
“Often our plans fail that God’s plans for us may succeed” (Ministry of Healing, Ellen G. White, Chapter 40).
Original plans failing providentially led to the fulfillment of the mission at W. Sacramento SDA Church. At a time prior, Pastor Sasa Andelkovic had contacted the BRI (Build and Restore International) founder, Ostap, to request that a mission project be completed at his home church in Sacramento. This request filtered to the back of Ostap’s mind. However, when an upcoming mission project was canceled, Ostap dropped to his knees to inquire of the Lord what he should do next. Pastor Andelkovic’s name came to mind in answer to Ostap’s prayer. He immediately contacted the Pastor and made the trek to survey W. Sacramento SDA Church in order to ascertain the need.
A scene of dirty gutters and windows covered with spider webs greeted the onlookers. The church doors evidenced ruining rust with paint chipping away on the doors and walls. The landscaping also told a sad story with overgrown bushes that were pushing into the exterior walls resulting in staining. Some of the plants were growing into the trim thereby causing further damage to the walls. W. Sacramento SDA Church was in much disrepair. In Haggai 1, the Lord makes it known that He is displeased when His house remains in ruin. Verse 8 of the same chapter reads: “go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build my house so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored”(NIV). It is God’s will and good pleasure that we as His people show Him honor and reverence by taking careful consideration and care of the church structures and houses of worship.
Right away the wheels began turning as to how the repairs and restoration of W. Sacramento SDA Church would be undertaken. Measurements and pictures were taken, paint colors determined, and a plan drafted. The work of building and restoring began one week later.
The Lord assembled 24 missionary volunteers within a week who began by pressure washing the church, repairing the broken wood as well as the trim, and sealing cracks, holes, windows and doors. Light fixtures were repaired, light bulbs replaced, and a brand new door for the maintenance shed was built. A brand new mailbox was also installed on the church grounds. The doors along with the walls were primed and painted, with 12 buckets of paint utilized altogether. It is hard to ignore the significance of the number 12 which is a number that signifies perfection. Surely the Lord was perfecting the work through the faithful labors of the volunteers.
The landscaping also received an uplift as students cleaned up the entire church property, pulling weeds and dried plants. Volunteers also removed four Palm trees that had become a potential hazard to the church structure. Fencing was replaced, leaving the property a beautiful sight to behold!
Ostap had been praying for a paint sprayer and three days before the mission would begin at W. Sacramento SDA Church, his cousin called him to tell him that he had purchased a new paint sprayer and offered him his old one which was still in good condition. The miracles continued as three of the volunteers brought chain saws with them that were needed to complete the work of cutting down the Palm trees. The Lord saw to it that all the workers came equipped and eager to do the work. God poured out His rich blessing in such a way that the mission was concluded in four days, two days ahead of schedule!
All through the ages the Lord has called for humble workmen to come, labor in His vineyards, and finish the work. The call is not an exclusive call. Friend, the call goes out to each and every one. What remains is who will answer the call. May it be that when the call comes to us, we too, like Isaiah, may say “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8 NIV).

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