Logos TV broadcasts already on a national freeview network, covering more than forty million people across the territory of Spain. In addition, Logos TV can be watched for free via the Hispasat satellite, the favourite satellite of the Spanish speaking residents in Europe and Northern Africa (see configuration data on the website
It was an historic moment on Saturday, the first of April 2017 at midnight. Our channel
started broadcasting on the new national network, 48 terrestrial antennas, filling up the air of hundreds of cities and offering everybody God’s message. The gift of grace and the present truth.
Now the 85% of the Spain population, when sitting on their sofas at their homes, can find Logos TV, among the other usual channels. The Gospel is being preached and this is the audience’s answer:
Viewers Testimonies
A journalist ordered the book we offer, Steps to Christ. Soon after, he called back saying that he had read it in one breath. He understood that he has to change his life. He ordered more books and a local elder visits him now. He has received his first Bible Study and is already attending the church.
Manuel was in hospital when he called us on Monday saying: ‘’I discovered the channel three days ago and I am so amazed’’ (that´s funny because we started broadcasting in the region only three days before). He ordered the free books and said: ‘’Please, send them to me as soon as possible. I have a lot of spare time now that I am in hospital’’. Manuel is being visited by the local pastor.
Luis found Logos TV from the very first moment. He is very interested. After sharing his impressions with his friends, they all became delighted with the channel so they asked for Bible studies. The local elder studies with them now.
Victoria is a very busy woman. Nevertheless, she says that she is fascinated by Logos TV. She called us asking many questions, and she decided to take some time to study the Bible. Furthermore, she joined the course La Voz de la Esperanza (The Voice of Hope).
Esteban Griguol, Head of Publications of the Spain Union, tells us that ten new Bible studies have been started due the TV commercials of Safeliz Books (the Adventist publishing house) that appear on our channel.
Logos TV is a lay ministry, member of ASI Spain. Its work has the approval of the Spain Union since June 2011. It is financially supported by donations and ASI Spain.
Here you can watch a three minutes long video promo, with useful information for the missionary work.