During my time here , I have been very grateful for your Bible lessons, my faith in God has remained all of this time. Thank you again for your prayers, and the Bible lessons you provided to me.”
– Graduate, Adventures in the Holy Bible
Every month Your Story Hour (YSH) sends out hundreds of Adventures in the Holy Bible lessons. As individuals complete the lessons (52 in all), they receive CDs on the Life of Jesus; when they have completed the course, they receive a graduation certificate and a CD album to hold the CDs they have been receiving. Most of the time, we don’t hear from people after they have graduated.
However, earlier this year, we received a letter from a Bible school graduate (see quote above) who completed our Bible lessons while on death row nearly four years ago. This former student wrote to us with a very special request – his date of execution had been set (about six weeks from when he sent us the letter), and he was asking for our prayers as he was petitioning the governor for a stay in execution.
Every work day at YSH begins with worship. The staff meets to pray over the requests we have received from our donors, listeners and Bible students. Although we didn’t know all the details of this particular situation, we prayed that the Lord’s will would be done in his life. We also prayed that the lessons he had learned about trusting God’s love and faithfulness while completing the Adventures in the Holy Bible course would help him during this time, and that he would have peace in his heart. After praying for weeks, we found out that just five days before he was supposed to be executed, the governor decided to commute his sentence.
Even though most of our Bible students are not facing as dire circumstances as this individual, many of them are facing challenges – parents divorcing, the loss of a loved one, sick family members, parents that need to find work, a move to a new part of the country, a desire for friendship, parents who are caught up in addiction, and the list goes on and on. But there is something special connected to Bible lessons – and that is the Bible and Jesus. Each person that takes our lessons (even if it’s only one or two lessons) is connecting to the One who can safely see them through all circumstances.
The Bible lessons are provided free of charge for anyone, anywhere around the world. If you would like more information on the Adventures in the Holy Bible, we invite you visit our website and click on the Kid’s Corner menu item to learn more. Or we would be happy to assist you over the phone! You can reach us at 800-987-7879.