By Tracy and Luis Alonzo & By Ed and Ruth McKenzie & Ethel Price
God Still Heals Through Bella Vista Clinics
Mission Projects, Inc. (MPI) supports medical, educational, and missionary outreach in areas of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Thailand, and the Philippines. We are blessed to have recently received a story of one of the most striking examples of God’s leading and blessings.
Yasmín Gris tells how, back years ago, it was just her and her husband, Dr Guillermo Gris, doing the surgeries for their MPI facility. They had developed some very important habits, like praying with the patient and family before each surgery and playing and singing hymns during the surgery. In 42 years they never lost a patient and never had an infection!
Yasmín explained that one week, years ago, when a patient awoke after surgery she said, “You were not the only ones in the room.” When asked what she meant, the patient stated she had seen three shining beings in the room with them. Dr. Gris shook it off as the patient having been under the influence of the drugs. However, this continued to happen with other patients three times in one week! (See Matthew 18:16).
Recently, the MPI facility gained some new additions to their surgical team who are not Adventist, or in some cases, not even Christian. The old habits of playing hymns and praying were questioned. The unspoken rule of the anesthesia person getting to pick the music became a problem. Yasmín Gris consulted with her son, Dr. Jairo Gris, and they decided to play the music before the rest of the team arrived. Praying for and with the patients continued even though the new teammates initially shrugged it off.
When they were questioned as to their practices, Yasmín shared with the team how in 42 years, God had blessed and they had never lost a patient and never had an infection. Now the team encourages playing the hymns and makes sure a prayer is said before each operation. We at MPI believe the angels are still standing with them, not only guiding the surgeon’s hands but working on the teammates’ hearts.
We praise the Lord for His amazing love and leading in the ministries and outreach of Mission Projects, Inc. It is our commitment to work with and for God in every avenue possible to reach even one more for His soon-coming kingdom! Let’s unite, stand up a mighty, great army for the Lord, and share the boundless love, care, and sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ, for each person on this earth!
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