GYC Evangelism (edit, back)


GYC, a youth-initiated and led movement of Seventhday Adventists from diverse backgrounds, united in a common commitment to serious Bible study, intense prayer, uncompromising lifestyle, and boldness in sharing Christ with others. ASI funds supported an evangelism effort during GYC’s annual convention, which was held in Louisville, Kentucky December 30, 2015 – January 3, 2016.

On the Friday of the convention, close to 1,800 young people went out into the city of Louisville for an afternoon of door-to-door evangelism. The purpose of the event was to generate interest in the city-wide Revelation Seminars taking place a couple weeks subsequent to the GYC event, sign individuals up for personal or mail-in Bible studies, distribute spiritual literature, and pray for and with people encountered. In just four hours in the city, 33,000 doors were knocked on, 2,374 people were prayed with, 40,000 pieces of literature were passed out, and interest was developed for 1,344 Bible studies. In addition, 267 contacts expressed interest in attending the Revelation Seminars offered.

We want to thank ASI for the part that you have played in making this outreach possible!