He Called Me to Sing (edit, back)
At Fountainview Academy, music is a huge part of our lives. We perform all over North America, as well as in other parts of the world. After three years at Fountainview, I’ve gotten used to giving musical performances in just about every kind of situation. But it hasn’t always been easy.
I grew up singing and performing with my siblings, so I’ve always been fairly comfortable up front. But at Fountainview I’ve had to sing solos that stretch me beyond my limits. It’s uncomfortable to stand in front of a crowd of people and face the possibility that your voice may crack on an exposed note in a song like “No More Night” or “Precious Lord.” But I’ve come to recognize that God puts me in these positions, not only to stretch my limits, but also to expand my capabilities.
As a cellist, it would have been much easier to stay in the cello section and refuse to sing, but that wasn’t God’s plan. As I’ve given my voice to Him, He has led me to greater opportunities for service. I’ve become more expressive and comfortable singing, and am even recording a solo CD this year.
Our most recent concert tour was entitled God Wants to Hear You Sing. Several weeks ago, we had the opportunity to pass out the book Steps to Christ at a public concert attended by more than 1,400 people. At a more recent concert in Salmon Arm, British Columbia, more than 500 people attended—most of them nonAdventist. As we shared the gospel through music, many in the audience had tears in their eyes. It’s a scenario I’ve seen repeated many times.
In picking our senior class aim this year—“to be steadfast, dedicated laborers in Christ’s harvest”—we considered the importance of being faithful to God wherever we are called, and under any circumstance. As class pastor, I want to encourage my classmates to remain faithful no matter what. Years down the road when we meet again, I pray that each of us will have grown closer to God than ever before. There’s nothing more important.
That relationship only grows when we respond to His calling, even when it takes us into challenging situations. It requires that we trust Him. God knows the equation for human happiness, and He wants us to be happy and to share His happiness with others.
It’s been said that 97% of the world has heard of Coca-Cola, 72% has seen a can of Coca-Cola, and 51% has actually tasted Coca-Cola. That’s a ton of people! How did it happen? I’ll wager that many people were “led” to Coca-Cola by the “witness” of their friends. We have something far better—and healthier—to share.
Church growth happens when members have their own experience with God. When we personally experience the joy of the Lord and realize His radical power, sharing Him with others becomes an exciting opportunity rather than a frightening prospect. It’s the only way to fulfill heaven’s great marketing plan outlined in Matthew 28.
When I get up front to sing, I’m still uneasy at times. But I know God is using me, and through singing I become even more dedicated to Him. I pray that each of us is willing to be used by God wherever He calls us— even if it takes us outside our comfort zones. Then and only then will we take the gospel “into all the world.”