Naturally Gourmet Cooking Classes: Planting Seeds (edit, back)


Plans had long been made for a Naturally Gourmet cooking class at the Franktown Seventhday Adventist Church in Franktown, Colorado. The pastor of the church just happens to be my son, Jamey Houghton. I was delighted to be a part of the church’s outreach ministry. All preparations were complete, and the pre-registrations promised a good crowd.

I make it a point to visit with people during and after my classes and to get acquainted with them. I especially noticed two ladies who sat on the front row. They seemed so interested that I decided to spend extra time with them.

The second of two classes was on Tuesday night. Afterwards, I again visited with the two ladies and discovered that they were mother and daughter. The daughter was asking lots of questions. Finally she said, “What do Seventh Day Adventists believe?” Right there on the spot I gave them a brief Bible study. They were very intrigued. Then I asked them about their religious background, and they shared it with me. They told me they were new in the community and had not yet found a church family. I invited them to church on Sabbath, and they said they would like to come.

I flew home the next day and prayed for them. I continued praying every day, and then on Sabbath afternoon I sent a text message to my son, Jamey, asking, “Did they come?”

“Yes,” was his reply. I was thrilled! I continue to pray for them.

It is my responsibility to plant seeds and to allow the Holy Spirit to bring them to fruition in His time. I am reminded of my new friend, Ann, who lives near us in Southern California. She attended a cooking class at a Seventh-day Adventist church in Green Bay, Wisconsin, 20 years ago. After moving to California, she saw an ad in the paper for “End-time Mondays,” an evangelistic outreach at our home church in Fallbrook, California. When Ann saw the ad, she remembered the very positive impression she had of the cooking class in Green Bay. She and her husband, Don, came to our meetings. We had the privilege of studying the Bible together and becoming good friends. We rejoiced with them at their recent baptism.

“Every church should be a training school for Christian workers. Its members should be taught how to give Bible readings, how to conduct and teach Sabbath school classes, how best to help the poor and to care for the sick, how to work for the unconverted. There should be schools of health, cooking schools, and classes in various lines of Christian help work” (The Ministry of Healing, 149).

“God’s blessing will rest upon every effort made to awaken an interest in health reform; for it is needed everywhere…. Lectures on health topics should be given. These lectures will open the blinded understanding and truths never before thought of will be fastened on the mind” (Medical Ministry, 259, 260).

So many people are battling heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, depression, and the list goes on. Our communities have many needs. God has given us a health message to share. Plant the seeds wherever you go. Be ready to give an answer for your beliefs at any time and to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide. He comes through every time. You can count on it!

Karen Houghton