Applicant Information
Type of Membership: Associate
Name: Tamara Schreven
Organization Name:
Spouse Name:
Home Address
PO Box 1167
Colville, Washington 99114
United States
Home Phone: 509-684-5234
Business Phone: 509-981-8987
Cell Phone: 509-981-8987
Preferred methods of contact: Home phone, Email
Home Church: Colville SDA Church
Conference: Upper Columbia Conference
Union: North Pacific Union
Ministry Information
Summarize your purpose and/or mission statement:
My goal is to provide the best service possible to my clients. Having a Christian atmosphere when working with people is a blessing to Christians and non Christians alike. In todays world personal touch and care is missing, I endeavor to provide this with each person I work with.
Briefly describe your organization’s activities:
I am a life insurance agent. Since losing my husband almost 2 years ago I personally realize the importance of having good coverage to take care of those who are still living. When my husband passed away I had an 11 year old daughter and was homeschooling her. Without insurance I wouldn’t have been able to continue to stay home with her and help her through a very difficult time. One of my strengths is serving others. Being an agent gives me an opportunity to offer personal service in helping people provide for their family or be able to give to a ministry, now and in the future.
Personal Evangelism
I am currently involved in the following types of ministry: Health or lifestyle education
Sharing Christ through my business or ministry in the following ways:
I have a ministry for women and their children who have suffered or are suffering the pain of abuse. Some of the women I meet with personally, others are across the country and need someone that can listen, understand, care, and give them information where they can get help locally. Another ministry God has given me is reaching out to people who have lost a loved one through suicide. They often need someone to listen, understand, and help them find hope and healing. I walk with them on this journey.
Signed: 10/08/2014
Supporting Ministry Guidelines
Signed: 10/17/2014
Pastor’s Recommendation
Pastor’s Name: Jim
Phone Number: [281]
Church: Kack
Is the applicant a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in good standing? No
Does the applicant hold church office(s)? No
Does the applicant uphold the standards and ideals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in business and community relationships? Unknown
What is his/her missionary outreach in the community? Unknown
Have you visited the applicant in his/her place of business or industry? None
What information can you give us regarding it, including the type of business?
Do you recommend the applicant to become a member of ASI? No
Additional Comments: There are concerns in regard to his family life. He has separated himself from his wife and kids. He has not to my knowledge attended church for the last 4 or 5 years. He will not return my phone calls or answer his door for a visit.
Date: [280]
Conference Recommendation
Do you recommend the above applicant for membership in ASI? I’m aware of issues and can not recommend this applicant.
If you do not recommend, please explain: Regarding Pastor Eliseo Lozano’s Ministry, Changing People’s Lives International. Upon counsel, clearance cannot be given at this time.
Union Recommendation
Do you recommend the above applicant for membership in ASI? I’m aware of issues and can not recommend this applicant.
If you do not recommend, please explain:
Because of the lack of information, I can only go by the Pastors answers to the application, and thus I CANNOT recommend the applicant.