ASI Officers

Andi Hunsaker


Andi Hunsaker and her husband, Bob, are both physicians and graduates of Loma Linda University School of Medicine. They make their home in Sudbury, Massachusetts. Andi practices medicine full-time at a major teaching hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. She is a regular Sabbath school teacher in her home church in Stoneham, Massachusetts, and has a passion for the Word of God.

Philip Baptiste


Philip Baptiste is the Departmental Director of Adventist-Laymen Services and Industries (ASI) for the North American Division (NAD) and the Secretary/Treasurer of ASI. In his current role, Philip Baptiste provides financial oversight, coordinates strategic planning, and helps direct the administrative activities and overall operation of ASI, in the North American Division. Read more

James Hartley

General and Chapter Development Vice President

After being raised a Roman Catholic, God used a vegetarian restaurant in Europe and an organic family farm in Italy to introduce James to Seventh-day Adventists. Since his conversion 25 years ago, James has served in different leadership capacities in supporting ministries including being president of LIGHT ministry for 14 of those years. James currently serves as Executive Vice President for Outpost Centers International (OCI) and is engaged in ministry with his wife Dani and their two girls, Layla and Lauren.

Curtis Letniak

Vice President for Membership

Curtis Letniak and his wife Julie and their two children live near Ponoka, Alberta where they are actively involved in ministry in Alberta and abroad in countries throughout Southeast Asia. Curtis is owner of Spyder Controls Corp – a Canadian electronics design and manufacturing firm that serves a variety of marine, vehicle and equipment manufacturers. He is passionate about developing creativity and innovation in ministry to hasten Christ’s soon return.

Brenda Palmer

Vice President for Finance

Brenda Palmer is manager, Palmer Handrail & Custom Millwork. Brenda moved to Mississippi to help build a church plant. Their family business grew out of a need to employ new Adventists and finance a church school. Christian education and personal evangelism continues to be a driving force in their lives as their construction work takes them nationwide. Brenda has recently been elected as VP for Finance for ASI.

Calvin Kim

Vice President for Evangelism

Calvin Kim is a dentist from WA and the co-founder of F5 Challenge & ARME Bible Camp. He is married to his beautiful wife, Amy, of 20 years, and together they have two daughters, Charis and Caia. His passion for fitness and health is second only to his greatest passion: giving Bible studies and winning souls into God’s kingdom. He believes that everything we do in this life, while worthwhile, is only provisional. But connecting people to Jesus is eternal.

Danny Houghton

Vice President for Communication

Danny Houghton is the President and Co-Founder of Carbonaut, a low-carb baked goods food company, and also serves as Chief Customer Officer of Vibrant Health Products, which owns Silver Hills Bakery and Little Northern Bakehouse. An entrepreneur at heart, Danny has helped found and grow multiple food brands with national distribution in both the USA and Canada. He attended his first ASI annual national convention at age 7, and has not missed one since! He met his wife Sondra through ASI, and they share three young children—Andrew, Olivia and Layla.

Ryan Booth

Vice President for Logistics

Ryan Booth is a licensed General Con­trac­tor in Cal­i­for­nia and real estate agent who enjoys country living.

Denzil McNeilus

President of ASI Missions Inc.

Denzil McNeilus is the owner of Sterling State Bank. He resides in Dodge Center, Minnesota. Denzil is a past president of ASI. He continues to serve on the ASI Missions Inc. board. Denzil and his wife, Donna, also a past president of ASI, are parents to three children. Their passion is sharing Christ with others around the world. Their involvement with ASI extends back many years.

ASI Staff

Debbie Dailey

Administrative Assistant

Brian Holland

Exhibit Hall Coordinator

Barb Schumacher

Housing Coordinator

Mark Bond

Communication Director

Wayne Atwood

IT Manager/Webmaster, Membership Liaison

Additional ASI Board Members

G. Alexander Bryant NAD President
Kyoshin Ahn NAD Secretary
Judy Glass NAD Treasurer
Rick Remmers, Assistant to NAD President
Duane McKey & Gary Thurber NAD Appointees


Greg Perry Atlantic Union
Daniel Reed Columbia Union
Gianluca Bacchiocchi Lake Union
Mark Cromwell Mid-America Union
Chuck Hagele North Pacific Union
Patti Guthrie Pacific Union
Debbie Baker Southern Union
Pat Humphrey Southwestern Union

ASI Missions, Inc.

Denzil McNeilus President and Chairman
Dan Houghton General Vice-President and Vice Chair
Stan Smith Vice-President for Finance and Treasurer


Philip Baptiste
Randy Bivens
Harold Lance
Curtis Letniak
Rusty McKee
Garwin McNeilus
Radim Passer
Amy Sheppard Ratsara
Sophia Rayner
Larry Romrell
Volker Schmidt
Debbie Young
Ed Zinke


Ellsworth McKee


G Alexander Bryant
Ken Denslow
Randy Robinson