Revived to Witness

United. Transformed. Sent.

August 3-6, 2022 | Orlando, Florida

Have these past couple of years left you feeling isolated, alone, or discouraged?

Are you struggling to find motivation or drive to share the gospel?

It’s time to find revival and rekindle your fire for Christ through fellowship and inspiration.

At this year’s ASI convention we invite you to unite with us for a time of revival and transformation. Together, we will answer Christ’s call and go where He sends us. Together, we will learn to be witnesses for Him.

Join us in Orlando, Florida, August 3-6, for the 2022 ASI International Convention.

You will be able to:

  • Find refreshment through fellowship
  • Gain inspiration from ministries around the world
  • Transform your relationship with Christ
  • Make lasting earthly and eternal connections
  • Gain the tools and skills you need to witness in your marketplace
  • And much, much more!

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

By A retired Florida Literature Evangelist

Lessons Learned & Taught

I was a Literature Evangelist for many years, and the Lord blessed me with many beautiful experiences. One Sabbath morning, my wife and I were on our way to church. We were discussing how to be more active in outreach for the Kingdom. We were just pulling into the church parking lot when I finished my message by saying, “Do you expect people to just come walking up to you? It does not work that way.” The words had just rolled off of my lips as I shut the car off and stepped out.

I looked up, and saw a gentleman walking toward me. “Do you accept visitors?” he asked. I looked over at my wife, who to her credit, just smiled as I said, “We certainly do.” I introduced my wife and myself and invited him to come and sit with us. After a short while, and Bible studies, he was baptized, and became a member of our local church! God has such loving ways of teaching us lessons and it is our part to remember, and act accordingly.

ASI pre conference mission trip

SALT Outreach Inc. and Build & Restore are excited to partner with ASI to provide a local mission trip experience before the ASI 2022 international conference. The ASI local mission experience will happen July 31 through August 3, 2022. The ASI convention takes place August 3-6.

Fact of the Month

As of 2021, the Seventh-day Adventist church has 95,297 churches and 21,912,161 members world wide.

By Albert Dittes

Reaching Out to a Major City

The 2022 Pathways to Health megaclinic in Indianapolis, Indiana treated 2,000 people during their first two days. Indianapolis city officials graciously let Pathways to Health use the Indianapolis Colts’ Lucas Oil Stadium for free. Clusters of curtained-off treatment areas filled the playing field. Long lines of people in search of healing stretched from the stadium out through the entryway and onto the street. Many people spent the night on the sidewalk in tents in order to be assured of free health care the next morning.

Half of the field accommodated people waiting for dental, eye care, pharmacy, laboratory, mental health counseling, and hydrotherapy. Medical services such as cardiology, X-ray, pediatrics, and dermatology occupied the other end of the field. Free haircuts and clothing were offered as well. The Pathways to Health leadership made sure this medical clinic was more than a social service. A chaplaincy section and a busy Adventist World Radio (AWR) booth added a spiritual dimension. Sacred music filled the stadium creating a religious atmosphere.

I talked with Raymond Abbott, a 55-year-old recovering from depression. He found out about Pathways to Health through his case worker at a veteran’s agency. He had been homeless, practiced witchcraft, and attemped suicide five or six times. Pathways to Health gave him mental health counseling and eyeglasses as well as a hepatitis and aids test. “I asked God for help in the back of an ambulance after a suicide attempt, then things started falling into place. I will now get a military pension,” he said.

A lady came with a daughter suffering from painful hemorrhoids. She was advised to trust in God as her creator who knows all about her body. She was encouraged to replace red meat and chicken with fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts, whole-wheat bread, and plenty of water.

By the end, officials estimated that 4,225 people had been seen through this Pathways to Health. Seeing the crowd at Pathways to Health in Indianapolis impressed me with the power of medical professionals emphasizing spirituality in harmony with the Adventist ministry.

Making the gospel a part of professional medical care topped off by identifying with the SDA church organization is what has impressed me about Pathways to Health. Medical missionary work makes people aware that we as Adventists have something other evangelicals don’t have. This Indianapolis mega-clinic, along with the other previous ones have shown that we as Adventists have what it takes to finish God’s work on earth.

Verse of the month:

“Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

1 Peter 1:13

Thought question

Who is someone you respect for their Christ-like attributes? How can you incorporate those attributes into your own life?