Chapter Projects


Funds will be used to purchase floor covering materials for the Administration/Classroom building addition on campus.


Funds will be used to construct a 2,400 square foot dormitory for medical missionary students in Alabama.


Funds will be used to buy 4 motorcycles for FARM STEW trainers, enabling them to quickly and safely reach the African communities they equip with the 8 “ingredients” that prevent hunger, disease, and poverty and promote self-reliance.


ASAP Ministries’ ethnic missionaries disciple unreached and vulnerable people groups from the 10/40 Window using Christ’s compassionate methods. With ASI’s support, ASAP church planters will assist and disciple Karen refugees in the Lake Union Conference.


This project, with the help of ASI, will allow Creation Illustrated to continue to produce and distribute up-to-date classroom materials every quarter.


A faith-based, non-profit ministry that exists to empower humanity to reach the ideals of the Eden plan. Funds will be used to purchase an 8-10 passenger van with removable seats to allow for ministry efforts such as canvassing, bible working and other outreach efforts as well as transporting staff and students and hauling inventory or goods.


Funds will be used to organize volunteers to help renovate an Adventist church and school in adjacent villages along the Amazon River.


Funds will be used to automate the irrigation system so that the large avocado orchard will be watered more evenly.


Funds will be used to operate the Luzeiro boats which are used to deliver health care and other services to isolated communities located in the Amazon jungles of Brazil. Friendships formed through these contacts may lead to placement of Bible workers and planting of churches in previously unreached areas.


The Center for Online Evangelism exists to empower and equip conferences, churches, and ministries to conduct evangelism online. Funds will be used to develop new digital evangelism resources and services for churches and laypeople. Through their work, more people will learn about Jesus Christ online.

The overflow offering will go to the following ministries: The picture roll project, One day churches, and the New Beginnings DVD projects.

Project Donation

Mailing address for donations:
9705 Patuxent Woods Drive
Columbia, MD 21046
Checks need to indicate: ASI Virtual spring projects

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