July 5, 2024

Alice Scarbrough
Outreach Assistance for Evangelism
21525 Dawn Hill Rd E
Siloam Springs, AR 72761

Dear Alice,

We are so excited that you have chosen to register and attend the ASI Convention this year for the first time! You are in store for a season of spiritual refreshing, networking, and fellowshipping with the wonderful ASI family of members and guests. Here are some important points to make your convention experience a delight:

  • Enclosed is your ASI Convention badge which signifies that you are a first-time attendee. You can bring the badges with you to the convention to bypass the check-in process. But don’t worry if it is left at home, just stop by the registration desk and it would be our pleasure to print you a new one.
  • You will need a badge holder and lanyard that you can pick up beside the registration desk at the convention center. First time attendees are asked to use a RED lanyard which identifies you as a VIP attendee.
  • The badge is very important and must always be worn while attending the convention. It gives you access to all things ASI — from the United Prayer group at 7am to the Keynote Session along with the exhibit hall, and so much more.
  • If you have purchased meals, you will need your badge scanned to give you access to the dining hall. One important thing to note is that the serving line is only open for 30 minutes, so be sure to arrive at the dining hall on time. Once you have your meal, then you can take your time to enjoy its delicious goodness.
  • For those who have a Friday breakfast meal ticket, a special breakfast is planned for first-time attendees. We invite you to join us where you will meet some of the ASI officers and receive a warm welcome to ASI. For your convenience here’s your current Friday breakfast status.
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  • Included in this welcome packet are several useful resources to help your ASI Convention experience be a wonderful experience. We encourage you to take a moment to review these materials and bring them with you to the convention.
  • If you have any questions while at the convention, just stop by the information desk located at the end of the registration desk and we will be delighted to assist you.
Welcome again and we joyously look forward to meeting you at the 2024 ASI International Convention held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida.

Warm Regards,

Philip Baptiste, DMin
ASI Secretary/Treasurer
Curtis Letniak
ASI VP of Membership
P.S. Kindly share this information with the others that received badges in this mailing.

GK: jzlxl